
Course in Modern Management in Public Relations and Event Organization


In business, there are events like annual general meetings, exhibitions, marketing campaigns, conferences, product launches and brand development activities which are now undoubtedly indispensable. Events such as fashion shows, cultural programs, talent hunt shows, roadshows and religious gatherings are gaining momentum because we live in a multicultural ecosystem. Event management is a multi-faceted activity, encompassing creativity, meticulous planning, relationship management, advertising, marketing and more, all rolled into one seamlessly designed process.

In this context, public relations occupies a prominent position in modern administrative systems in order to assure them of roles directly related to the image of the institution with the public and customers, and due to the sensitivity and complexity of this function, public and private institutions work on choosing their employees carefully according to pre-defined conditions and then provide them with specialized training in the field of relations public, ceremonies, and the organization of events and events, in order to give their institutions a bright face among their customers and guests. 

Objectives and target group

 Who should attend? 

  • Managers and public relations employees in government agencies, departments and organizations.
  • Organizers of events and activities.
  • Managers of ceremonies.
  • Corporate Communications Officers.
  • Public relations and media consultants.
  • Officials of companies that organize conferences and exhibitions. 

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will master the following: 

  • Basic information and concepts on modern public relations practices.
  • Explore the different types of public relations and events and consider their impact on the company's reputation and identity.
  • Necessary information in communication arts and related media skills.
  • Modern rules in the success of the public relations plan and the art of dealing with VIPs.
  • Practice the basic principles of etiquette, etiquette and ceremonies.
  • Knowing and practicing the rules and principles of ceremonies and protocols and their applications in the field of public relations.
  • The rules for receiving and bidding farewell to visitors on official and unofficial occasions.
  • Knowledge of the concept, importance and types of conferences, exhibitions and seminars.
  • Acquiring the skills of communication methods and the art of dealing with the masses.
  • The latest methods and methods of advertising, promotional campaigns and marketing.
  • Enhance management skills such as the ability to manage time and effort, lead work teams, and manage crises. 

Course Content

  • Public relations:
    • The comprehensive concept of public relations.
    • The importance and objectives of public relations.
    • Characteristics, features and foundations of public relations.
    • The concept, definition and types of mental image.
    • The role of public relations in creating the organization’s identity.
    • The role of public relations in creating the mental image.
    • Media functions that influence building the mental image of organizations or institutions.
    • Psychological and social characteristics of the target audience.
    • Content analysis methods as a tool for studying and improving the mental image.
    • Public relations management strategies.
    • Conditions for the success of public relations programs in accordance with comprehensive quality requirements.
    • Advanced methods in evaluating and evaluating public relations programs.
  • Organizing and managing events and activities:
    • The concept of events and their types.
    • Basic rules for holding events and events.
    • Obstacles to organizing events and events.
    • Challenges and threats that doom the effectiveness to failure.
    • Factors that help and contribute to the success and distinction of the event.
    • Conditions that must be met at the event venue.
    • Formation of work team leadership.
    • Specifications and qualifications of team members.
    • Managing work teams at international events and conferences.
    • Formation of committees organizing events and their tasks.
    • Organizational structure of events organizing committees.
    • Communication and speaking arts in accordance with the rules of protocol and etiquette.
    • Initiating and planning the event.
    • Organizing events from announcement to registration to implementation to conclusion.
    • The concept of ceremonies, their history, and their internal and international nature.
    • Arrangements for appointments and general interviews.
    • Crowd management at large conferences.
    • The art of managing meetings.
    • Media coverage and documentation of events.
    • Harvesting effectiveness results.
    • Monitoring and evaluating performance.
  • Rules of etiquette and protocol:
    • The concept of etiquette and protocol
    • Etiquette for formal occasions.
    • Arts of dealing with audiences.
    • Types of communication and the arts of speaking according to the rules of protocol and etiquette.
    • Methods of dealing with VIPs.
    • Protocol and organization of meetings and press conferences for VIPs.
    • The art of using body language.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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