
Training Course in The Development of Maintenance Tasks System


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in  Development of Maintenance Tasks System, reducing task completion time and improving its quality by developing machines and acquiring modern generations of them. Maintenance operations are carried out based on reports prepared by the maintenance department in the organization, which are carried out during the regular inspections of equipment, analyze the hidden factors behind these problems and malfunctions, and then determine what is required to reduce deficiencies that hinder the work of the facility from working better, and detect the imbalance that attracts attention , as well as errors and wrong behaviors in the laboratory and the tasks to be carried out that go to the maintenance department.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Supervisors of maintenance work in laboratories.
  • Heads of technical and maintenance departments.
  • Workers in maintenance work teams.

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will have known: 

  • How to remind employees of all maintenance work.
  • Ways to provide supervisors with facilities for budgeting and planning.
  • Ways to provide employees with sufficient information about the way work is done.
  • How to plan future maintenance loads.
  • The importance of proper application of integrated maintenance.

Course Content

  • The importance of maintenance work.
  • Planning maintenance tasks.
  • Modern systems for integrated maintenance.
  • Integrated maintenance systems and their different types.
  • The importance of using a computer in integrated maintenance.
  • The importance of proper application of integrated maintenance.
  • Computer uses in integrated maintenance planning operations.
  • Planning periodic and predictive maintenance work by computer.
  • Inventory of the necessary labor and the preparation of maintenance schedules by computer.
  • Inventory of needed spare parts.
  • Providing the necessary tools and tools for integrated maintenance.
  • Adjust production processes according to maintenance.
  • Causes of malfunctions.
  • Parts maintenance methods.
  • Laying out tools and equipment.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
