
Training Course in Institutions' Asset and Liability Management


In every investment process, there are the so-called assets and liabilities. As for the assets, they are about the funds and the resources that are owned by the company. And as for liabilities, they are the financial obligations of the company paid to the creditors, and they will be either in the form of tradable outflows, medium-term or long-term liabilities. Accordingly, every institution should learn how to manage it for avoiding exposure to legal liabilities, and therefore it will lead to its bankruptcy.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development provides a course of institutions' asset and liability management and the financial obligations that shall be paid to the creditors. And that's according to a program certified by bodies and European systems and in accordance with approaches prepared by the Academy.

 Target Audience of the Training Course in Institutions' Asset and Liability Management:

Financial managers.
Projects managers.
Charted accountants.

How will the Participants benefit from attending the Training Course in Institutions' Asset and Liability Management?

The participant will learn:

- How to solve the problem of non-provision of liquidity for short or long-term borrowing from the banks.
- Coordinating the processes and the lists of due taxes.
- Management of the company's expenses and revenues to provide surplus to meet emergency liabilities.
- Distinguishing between liabilities types and different payment ways.

Course Content

Scientific Content of the Course:
- Liability concept.
- Liability types.
- Ways of borrowing from the banks.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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