Centralized Educational Management
The Centralized Educational Management has become an urgent necessity in the modern era; in the meantime its application has become much easier than ever before, because of the great development that has taken place in the overall educational and didactic process, due to the general development and continuous improvements in technology and educational or didactic methods. Although such developments belong to the modern methodologies, which were never considered previously by the educational process in any way, but in the mean while such methodologies have facilitated the Centralized Educational Management, and enhanced the linking and collaboration process between multiple educational systems together in one comprehensive accurate scheme, so it is no longer difficult to refer to the central administrative head in order to archive information, or organizing data.
Centralized and Decentralized Educational Management
Management itself is the main process for making laws and following-up the implementation thereof, by all individuals within the system, and from various levels. The Centralized or Decentralized Educational Management is one of the most substantial administrative systems in the community, as it oversees the overall educational process, and follows the level of education and learning from parties, teacher and student.
The Decentralization of educational Management is deemed vital, since it is necessary to give each educational institution the necessary powers to develop its level, even without reference to the General Central Educational Administration, although such powers are ultimately determined by the central administration, but such process allow the educational institutions to provide suggestions and develop the adopted means and methods, within the educational process.
The Central Educational Management exercises the role of linkage between various educational institutions, and at the same time it plays the role of authority and supervision over all individual institutions, it also manages the various affairs of the personnel in the educational system as a whole, and monitors the quality of their outcomes and needs.
From the above, we conclude that the Centralized Educational Management does not abolish the Decentralized therein! On the contrary, it defines and
clarifies the powers that must be provided to the educational institutions and local administrations, so that they can develop themselves and their methods in a manner consistent with the recent development of the surrounding environment, and in accordance with the general laws and rules imposed by the Central Educational Management in general.
We, at the British Academy for Training and Development, are emphasizing the importance of centralization in the educational process, as it is one of the most significant pillars for the advancement of the society, while at the same time we assure the importance of clear and proper strategic administrative planning, so that the Central Educational Management can enhance its institutions in line with the prevailing conditions of the modern era.
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The Roles of Educational Administration in Educational Institutions