

 Health care has a great importance in the scientific, economic and social fields, if we talk about the health field, it plays an important role in limiting health problems in the society, and in the economic field, the staff who works the healthcare is considered an important merchandise, through them will achieve a high level of health care, all of these lead us to the function of the health care and its details.

Objectives and target group

What are the most important functions of health care?

 Health care concentrates on limiting chronic diseases and epidemics, mainly the heart, the arteries, the lung disease, the cancers and the diabetes, while the epidemics are tuberculosis, AIDS, cholera and many chronic diseases, the most important functions of the health care are:

  • Giving the priority to these chronic diseases and epidemics through awareness-raising in health centers and other different centers to limit its spread.
  • Providing appropriate technology and health services for people to reduce disease, and preparing the standers to allocate appropriate resources to health sectors and to work efficiently.
  • Health care should include two important factors: the commitment of all private and public sectors to ensure what's right for the people, without excess burdens, in addition to teaching the importance of getting the health care to the people.

Course Content

In this way, it can be said that the most prominent functions of health care are providing all the appropriate and professional cadres, and raising the level of health services by attracting modern medical technology, in addition to making these features available to all people without discrimination, as part of the principles of work in comprehensive health insurance that achieves economic, health and social welfare.

The British Academy for Training and Development did not ignore this part of health care, but is interested in offering a training course related to the health and developing it.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
