

The concept of general endurance is defined at the maximum limits where a trainee can exercise the sport or activity he /she likes before he or she feels general or localized fatigue. The promotion of the limits of the overall level of endurance is an athlete's priorities and functions. In exercising as a lifestyle, their overall level of endurance must be commensurate with their functions in society so that they can exercise without excessive stress or damage to their health.

Objectives and target group

Raise overall endurance

The endurance of the athlete depends on the type of athletics practiced by individuals. When we talk about general endurance, we mean tiredness, general fatigue, not the regional or logical fatigue of a particular group of muscles. General, athlete's sense of stress and difficulty pursuing sport.


The athlete is characterized by general endurance. If the athlete has the ability to continue training for a longer period, the same level, without feeling tired at the level of the circulatory system or respiratory system, and the athlete can raise the general endurance of the athlete with special exercises, and for an extended period of time, targeting both Of white fibers and red fibers forming the muscles of the human body.

The exercises depends on the coach to raise the level of general endurance depending on the individual and their energies, but generally divided into two parts:

Strength training: Here the exercises take into account the consumption of energy greater than the individual does, at short intervals, increasing with time, to gradually increase the performance of the heart and blood circulation.

Time-based training: Workouts take longer, but consume less energy per person, and gradually increase the level of training, to increase the overall endurance of the individual over time.

Course Content

These exercises vary according to the different sports or activity that the athlete is aiming for, and there are periods of rest between the periods of the exercises, in accordance with the type and intensity of the exercises, and these breaks are intended to give the heart time to return to the level of pulse, varies according to individual, Sports practiced.

The British Academy for Training and Development focuses on the importance of disciplined and structured sports training, which takes into account the overall level of endurance, before embarking on harmful or stressful exercise.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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