The specific factors of the International trade in modern age vary relatively by the variety of laws. Yet, in general, they share much in common. And, on the margins of the subject, it's believed that the international economic relations as known are to transport the commodities or trade services among various states. With its broad meaning, sometimes the human resources and the investment capital could be transported into other states. On this basis, the facts of the carriage of these productive elements are determined by associated, specific conditions and factors, which help to form the general trend of the international trade as a whole.
What are the most significant specific factors of international trade in modern age?
Natural resources distribution:
It means to be distributed among the states. And this distribution may cause the existence of variation and difference in determining the source of wealth for a state. Therefore, the international trading will considerably be positioned and allocated, where a state may produce just no more one commodity.
Size and power of the state:
The size of the state helps to determine the extent of integration and provision of its natural resources, in addition to the human resources. Thus, it will affect the production volume, and so the nature of the international trade.
Transport charges:
The volume of trading among the states increases by the reduction of the prices and the charges of transport. Thus, it will allow expanding the international trade through introducing new products in them as there was a difficulty to be listed due to the rise in its transport charges.
Change in the turnout for specific commodity:
Among the most prominent specific factors for the international trade in modern age is the significant change in the tastes whether of the imported state or of the consumer. And it's the matter which determines the volume of importing certain commodity. In addition, in many cases, the imported states resort to the replacement of the commodities that they have imported with other further profitable commodities. However, all of that shall be done within the volume of the available productive elements.
All previous specific factors for the international trade in modern age are controlled by a larger proportion of large companies or multinational companies. Where, they take over several productive branches in many states. Once they exist in the host states, that will lead to the increased volume of import and export due to the trade movement of the major companies and their branches in the states.
The British Academy for Training and Development provides several courses on the Reality of Trade as a Whole, in addition to the Modern Trade Methods in all Trade Transactions whether between the institutions or the governments, and on the Specific Factors of International Trade in Modern Age
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Course in Lending Principles and Procedures