
The knowledge of symptoms improves health


Knowledge of symptoms improves health! How can that be possible? In general, when the different mechanisms in your body do not work optimally, everything you feel it and suffer it from is called a symptom, in most cases there are many symptoms of the cases that come in conjunction with each other, which pay to see a doctor, especially when these symptoms impede the daily activities. The awareness of people towards the symptoms and its pathological implications has increased, in general, there are a number of reasons that require the need to identify symptoms, in order to manage and reduce them, so the knowledge of symptoms improves health.

Objectives and target group

Why does knowledge of symptoms improve health?

The combination of symptoms and the way you describe them helps your doctor identify and narrow his research, where there is a saying that humans have been able over the long years to maintain their survival, thanks to their ability to feel sick and to evaluate the severity of their illness, especially the significant symptoms require immediate intervention, you should know that dealing with symptoms has certain rules, for example, attention should be paid to cough, fever and chest pain in older people. The people suffer from chronic disorders should consult their doctor, and so on, but unfortunately, the symptoms only look like traffic signs, they tell you roughly where you are currently, but they do not give you a precise headline for your destination, so it is too easy you get lost and in the end find yourself in the wrong place, similarly, we can compare the cough symptom to common traffic sign which refers to heart and lung problems, but when the cough accompanies with high body temperature and shortness of breath over two days, the cough will become a traffic sign that tells us more about pneumonia.

In the end, it must be recognized that the feeling of illness is a bad experience. When you are sick, in addition to suffering from aches, pains and fatigue, you will suffer from the concern caused by you not knowing:  what is the type of your disease, and how things go, so the knowledge of symptoms improves health.

Course Content

 The British Academy for Training and Development is keen on keeping abreast of administrative developments in all institutions. So, the Academy offers advanced courses in the field of public health, which all health, psychological, social and other administrations join hands to inform the people about it, which the most important task is informing the people about health problems, especially epidemiological ones. In this sense, the knowledge of symptoms leads to improve health as a final result.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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