

Financial management is a vital component in the success of any organization or business venture. The “Financial Management” course aims to provide participants with the necessary tools to analyse, plan and manage financial resources effectively. The course will cover a variety of topics ranging from accounting basics to complex financial decision-making. By focusing on practical applications, participants will gain a deep understanding of how financial matters are managed in various business and institutional environments, enabling them to effectively contribute to the success of their organizations or projects.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Financial managers and accountants who work in the field of accounting and financial management.
  • Business owners and entrepreneurs who want to better understand the financial aspects of their business.
  • Professionals working in banks, investment companies, and other financial institutions.
  • Executives who need an in-depth understanding of financial management to make effective strategic decisions.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Understanding and analyzing financial statements: Developing the ability to read and interpret financial statements effectively.
  • Working Capital Management: Learn how to manage inventory and debt efficiently.
  • Make informed financing decisions: Understand the basics of investment and financing decisions.
  • Financial Risk Management: The ability to identify and manage potential financial risks.
  • Practical application of financial management concepts: applying knowledge in realistic practical scenarios.

Course Content

  • Principles of financial management
    • The concept of financial management and its importance.
    • Key roles and responsibilities of the CFO.
    • The role of financial management in making strategic decisions.
  • Basics of financial accounting
    • Introduction to accounting.
    • Read and understand the financial statements.
  • Analysis of financial statements
    • Key financial ratios and their analysis.
    • Understand income statements, budget and cash flows.
    • Use vertical and horizontal analysis to evaluate financial performance.
  • Financial planning and budgets
    • Preparing budgets.
    • Financial forecasting and planning.
    • Using cost analysis tools in making decisions.
  • Working capital basics
    • Components and importance of working capital.
    • Inventory and debt management.
  • Liquidity and cash management
    • Cash flow management.
    • Liquidity and financial instruments.
  • Asset and liability management
    • Understanding internal and external financing.
    • Evaluating financial options for financing projects and investments.
    • Debt management and cost control.
  • Financing decisions
    • Funding sources.
    • Capital structure and financing policies.
  • Financial risk concepts
    • Types of financial risks.
    • Analysis and evaluation of risks.
  • Financial risk management strategies
    • Transformation and insurance technologies.
    • Risk management in financial decisions.
  • International financial management
    • Analyze the financial impacts of international factors.
    • Evaluating the financial strategies of multinational companies.
    • Understanding international financial challenges and ways to deal with them.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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