This course, provided by the British Academy for Training and Development, considers the nature of Public Opinion, and focuses in the Political Upbringing elements, and media theories, in order to better understand how public opinion is actually formed, and how to communicate effectively with the public audience to improve and direct the public to convert those views into the required Public Perception.
The course will also discuss how to visualize and measure Public Opinion aspects, and how Public Opinion mainly influences the development of different policies, and the various available techniques to benefit from the concern topics of both public opinion and the media, to have a positive impact on PR outcomes.
The course also considers various issues and Crisis Management topics through a systematic public relations perspective, depending on the life cycle of many cases, Persuasion Theory, and external and internal focus on management of the best interests of both the environment and consumers. This course provides practical experience in problem definition, planning and strategic analysis. It also includes implementation techniques. The main focus of this course would involve current PR issues or crises at the local, national and international levels.
Public relations have authority over corporate social responsibility through the Cases Management Function and responsibility for corporate reputation, which necessarily means helping to change organizations to achieve new sustainability agendas. Public relations contribute to the effectiveness of organizations by improving organizational relationships, facilitating public talks and discussion. This course offered by the British Academy for Training and Development helps students develop an important assessment of the role of Public Relations in the community and the development of analytical and professional skills.
The British Academy for Training and Development provides this course for the following categories:
How participants will benefit from the course:
After completion of the Course program, trainees will be able to master the following:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Digital Marketing (DMI)