

This course provided by the British Academy for Training and Development, examines and focuses on the nature of Public Opinion as a concept, and evaluates the process of political formation, the related theories and Media to increase understanding of how people shape their opinions, and how to effectively communicate with them to urge the public to translate these views into the targeted perceptions.

The course will discuss how to visualize and accurately evaluate Public Opinion, and how public opinion will influence the development of different policies and techniques to take advantage of public opinion and media relations to positively influence the results of the overall public relations process.

Public opinion researches and studies recently occupy a prominent position in all countries all over the world in different political regimes, doctrines and ideologies, both on theoretical and applied levels.

Public opinion has become our own philosophy and has become one of the basic subjects taught in various universities around the world, reflecting the global academic interest in public opinion concept and theories.

Public relations have authority over corporate social responsibility through the Cases Management Function and responsibility for corporate reputation, which necessarily means helping to change organizations to achieve new sustainability agendas. Public relations contribute to the effectiveness of organizations by improving organizational relationships, facilitating public talks and discussion. This course offered by the British Academy for Training and Development helps students develop an important assessment of the role of Public Relations in the community and the development of analytical and professional skills.

Objectives and target group

Target group of the course:

The British Academy for Training and Development provides this course for managers, public relations officers, senior managers in institutions, key management personnel, operations managers, project managers, and corporate board of directors and executives.

  • Senior Public Relations Managers, Communications Managers, Agency Account Managers, and Government Communications Managers are also recommended.
  • People who are interested in managing public relations and institutional reputation.
  • Brand managers and people interested in trademarks.
  • Staff engaged in marketing and corporate communications.
  • Communication staff in non-governmental organizations and the public sector.
  • Persons involved in brand communications in the private sector.
  • People involved in service industries such as hotels, banks and retail.
  • Persons undergoing retraining or undergoing a transitional functional stage.
  • Persons who are reclassifying or activating the company's brand.

How will participants benefit from the course?

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Studying Public Opinion across a wide range of topics.
  • Finding out where opinions or positions come from.
  • Ability to understand how to conduct surveys.
  • Learning how to interpret the results of surveys and use that information to manage the crisis in order to develop Public Relations Plans that lead to positive results.


Course Content

  • Understanding the concept and significant elements of public opinion.
  • Understanding the importance of public opinion in modern societies.
  • Public opinion, public relations and media.
  • Models and theories of communication.
  • The real world of Public Relations.
  • Crisis and Risk Management.
  • Communication crisis.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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