

Although Advertising Management is a complex process the entails hiring of various media to sell a product or service, it starts very early by marketing research and includes informational campaigns that help sell the product. Without effective advertising management, media campaigns will not effectively operate, and the marketing process will therefore fail. Thus, companies that provide an effective Adv. management process always take a step forward in selling their goods and services.

British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to help trainees define the Media Campaign Outline and determine the type of advertising to be used before launching the product.

Advertising is an indispensable information activity for economic activities such as industry, trade, services and other economic activities as well as for charitable and non-profit organizations. Without advertising their activities, they will not receive the social support and financial support necessary for their continued work and performance.

Objectives and target group

Employees working in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing and Media fields.

How will participants benefit from the course?

After successfully completing this course you will be able to effectively work in a variety of organizations such as:

  • A variety of areas like: advertising, media and Electronic Agencies as an Account Executive, Executive Director or Customer Relations Manager, or in the field of Digital Production.
  • Business and planning in television, radio, media and major newspapers.
  • In the past, students have held positions such as accountants, planners, researchers and publishing executives, and digital operators such as Media Com, McCanns International, and IPC Journal.

Course Content

  • Psychological aspects of the consumer.
  • Challenge of graduate.
  • Marketing and Communications.
  • Business Management.
  • Consumer point of view.
  • Media operations.
  • Management of agencies and operations.
  • Planning the campaign.
  • Digital Marketing.
  • Assessment of campaign effectiveness.
  • Strategic Management of the Agency.
  • Relationship between consumer and brand.
  • Advertising and communication strategy.
  • Market area.
  • International Marketing Management.
  • Final Thesis.
  • The Consultative Project.
  • Work-based education through negotiation.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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Digital Marketing (DMI)





£4400 £4400
