
A course within the competency and its benefits


The Academy for Training and Development offers a cycle course in the competency framework and its benefits, as the competency framework is a comprehensive structure that describes different competencies with a certain set of behavioral indicators and standard criteria, and most organizations have a distinct set of competencies framework that is in line with their vision, mission and long organizational goals. Providing the organization and executives with competency-based HR solutions helps HR professionals to be part of the strategic partnership in their organizations. Through this course, you will learn about competencies and how to apply this wonderful concept in human resource management and practices, in addition to identifying competencies in an easy way that will make you feel confident about this important topic.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • HR staff
  • Business managers
  • Persons working in related fields.
  • Graduates and those interested in this field

Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Achieving a common understanding of critical success factors and desirable behaviors within the organization.
  • Integration of the organizational process for competencies which helps explain the concerns of the overall picture of the day-to-day work [Ex: the case of launching a new product and focus on the competency of customers assessed by the organization].
  • Better manage and make effective decisions regarding cost intensive processes such as selection, recruitment and promotions.
  • Assessment, feedback, and performance communication become standardized, facilitating a shared culture.

Course Content

  • Definitions and objectives of human resource management
  • The main functions of human resources
  • Examples of HR Organization Charts
  • The cycle of polarization and selection
  • Training and development in HR
  • performance management training
  • Compensation and benefits cycle
  • Competencies: History and Definitions
    • History of competencies
    • Origins and definitions
    • Components of competency
    • Differences between knowledge, skills and competencies
    • Iceberg model
    • Efficiency vs. eligibility
    • Efficiency frameworks and models
    • Types of competencies
    • Typical levels of efficiency
    • Customizing the level of behavioral indicators
    • Use of behavioral indicators
    • Behavioral indicators versus performance indicators
    • Job competency profile vs job description
    • Job competency profile and personal profile
    • Efficiency Variance Analysis
    • Efficiency Analysis
    • Extracting competencies from strategic plans
    • Introduction to HR Strategies
    • vision and mission
    • critical success factors
    • Key Result Areas
    • Core competencies
    • Core values
    • Competency-based selection
    • Determine job requirements
    • Competency-based interview design
    • Conducting competency-based interviews
    • Competency-based selection
    • Competencies in the field of training and development
    • Basic Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
    • Competency-based technology needs assessment
    • Competencies in Succession Planning
    • Competency-Based Evaluation Systems
    • Advantages and disadvantages
    • Translate personal competency into assessment
    • The main formula used

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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