Course Overview:
The main purpose of Brand Management is to give subscribers an overview of how to improve “Management of brands” to improve customer experience and brand value. In this session we will provide a brief review of strategic thinking in Brand Management, focusing on the situation, the task, identification, stakeholder participation, and extend the validity of the brand. The course will also reveal how to develop distinctive Brand Management expertise and how to avoid brand profiling.
Successful management of global brand is the ability to achieve a balance between its ambition at the local level and its vision of its global strategy, in the era of globalization, multinational corporations, and the spread of trade and social interaction on the Internet. The management of global brands has become more complex than ever before. The key to success is still about two factors being perseverance and harmony. Enterprises with a global portfolio of brands have different styles and systems for managing global brands, but the principle remains the foundation for continued construction and maintenance of performance.
Trademark Management in a complex business environment is a major challenge, as brands are affected by increased competition, laws, procurement, distribution, and manufacturing costs, while at the same time required to maintain the company's reputation. Global Trademark Management practices need to be flexible and consistent with growth and sustainability requirements, so that they can manage this huge number of internal and external factors in multiple geographical areas.
Who should attend?
Brand Managers who want to develop their skills.
New people in Public Relations and Media.
Journalists and bloggers who want to know more about brands.
Middle Managers who want to move to Brand Management.
Graduates who have an interest in Brand Management as a profession.
Staff: Teachers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, and others who want to know more about Brand Management.
Knowledge and Benefits:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:
Have a thorough understanding of the role and importance of branding in the organization.
Understand the intangible matters, their value, and how brands could be changed in
relation to new business models and social media.
Understand brand identity, style of building, brand positioning and features, the essence ,
and elements of the brand, as well as brand value and property rights.
Write a mission, vision, and style statement for a brand.
Describe the basics of positioning a brand.
Help your employees live the brand by empowering them to be ambassadors and creating
strong brand touchpoints.
Effectively plan an internal and external brand launch.
Monitor and evaluate your brand and understand how to respond to the results.
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Developing and enhancing the trainees' skills in event management efficiently and effectively.