

The concept of Media Monitoring is considered a specialized culture in the reality of media work, as many Arab media organizations have sought to intensify efforts, in order to mobilize all media rights related to workers in all media sectors, whether they are workers in press institutions, radio stations, or workers within television channels.

Therefore, it must be emphasized that media monitoring contributes to providing protection for all media rights, especially with regard to the right to knowledge and expression of opinion on many controversial topics, which need in-depth discussion by the concerned authorities or by the target media audience.

In addition, Media Monitoring seeks to shed light on all violations against the media in all its means, whether these violations are related to the profession or the ethics of the media profession, with the importance of focusing on that Media Monitoring emphasizing the responsibilities and duties provided by the various media outlets.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Workers in media departments and sections.
  • Workers in news analysis departments.
  • Workers in public relations and media departments in institutions and ministries.
  • Those wishing to develop their capabilities in this field.


Knowledge and Benefits:


After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • The concept of monitoring, its importance, content analysis, and the decision-making support mechanism.
  • How to write and present the press release.
  • Monitoring steps, analyzing content, and extracting indicators and results.
  • Psychological characteristics and intellectual connotations in media messages.
  • The most important successful models in monitoring and analyzing media content.
  • Professional news monitoring skills from various media and social networks.

Course Content

  • An introduction to the media, the press release, and its methods.
  • Definition of monitoring, its importance, and types.
  • The role of media monitoring in the news industry.
  • Media monitoring skills and news capture.
  • Analysis of media content and its modern uses.
  • Types of television, electronic monitoring, and print monitoring.
  • News monitoring sources, news capture, news templates, and forms.
  • How to monitor in newspapers, websites, television, and radio.
  • The concept of news analysis in media monitoring.
  • Qualitative analysis of media monitoring.
  • Quantitative analysis of media monitoring.
  • Modern means of monitoring.
  • Monitoring mechanisms, methods, and uses.
  • Digital media and its importance.
  • Social networks and the professionalism in their use.
  • Practical steps for monitoring and analyzing media content.
  • Monitoring and analysis of content in new media and social networks.
  • Steps of media monitoring from social sites, content analysis, and extracting indicators.
  • Designing media content analysis, content analysis forms, and processing them.
  • Linking information, analyzing and interpreting it, and drawing conclusions and indicators.
  • Using modern techniques and technology in monitoring and analysis.
  • Knowing the psychological characteristics in media messages.
  • Emotional and logical appeals.
  • Factors affecting provoke emotional tension.
  • Social listening.
  • Social media monitoring.
  • Reputation management.
  • Sentiment analysis.
  • Competitor analysis.
  • Public relations.
  • Searching for social media content.
  • Searching for authors and key publications.
  • Tracking your organization’s media coverage.
  • Automating your brand monitoring.
  • Monitoring for critical information.
  • Creating a media coverage analysis spreadsheet.
  • Sharing alerts to your collaborative spaces.
  • Distributing newsletters.
  • Practical applications to media monitoring.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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