
Excellence in Public Relations Management and Protocol Performance Course


Public relations occupies a prominent position in modern administrative systems in order to assure them of roles directly related to the image of the institution with the public and customers. Given the sensitivity and complexity of this job, public and private institutions work on choosing their employees carefully according to pre-defined conditions and then provide them with specialized training in the field of public relations and ceremonies. In order to give their institutions a bright face to their customers and guests.
Excellence in serving the internal and external public and leadership in organizing events and gatherings, including receiving and farewelling guests, the art of dealing with them and etiquette are among the etiquette of international and local dealings, and no institution, whatever it is, can have a good image with the public unless its employees deal professionally in the field Public relations and ceremonies.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • Managers and team leaders.
  • Business partners.
  • Personnel responsible for the performance of the institution.
  • All employees in the departments.
  • Public relations officials in government agencies, departments and organizations.

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, you will know: 

  • Etiquette and the arts of public relations and ceremonies.
  • Identifying the nature and importance of public relations in light of the new challenges.
  • Practicing the rules of protocol, ceremonies and etiquette locally and internationally.
  • Take advantage of the information capabilities of international relations business services.

Course Content

  • The comprehensive concept of internal and international public relations.
  • The importance and objectives of public relations.
  • Characteristics, features and foundations of public relations.
  • The concept of mental image.
  • The nature of identity and mental image.
  • Sources of mental image formation.
  • Types of mental image.
  • The role of public relations in the organization's identity industry.
  • The psychological and mental dimensions of the social image.
  • The role of public relations in forming a mental image.
  • Media functions affecting building the mental image of organizations or institutions.
  • Areas of media influence to build the mental image.
  • Strategies to improve the mental image.
  • Psychological and social characteristics of the target audience.
  • Content analysis methods as a tool for studying and improving the mental image.
  • Mechanisms of social marketing in the identity industry and building the mental image of the organization.
  • Methods of planning social marketing campaigns for the establishment's identity and mental image industry.
  • The importance of public relations management in preparing media programs and campaigns.
  • Factors affecting public relations programs.
  • Strategic planning for public relations management programs.
  • Procedures for preparing public relations programs in accordance with quality standards.
  • Conditions for the success of public relations programs in accordance with the requirements of total quality.
  • The stages of preparing media campaigns for public relations.
  • Advanced methods in evaluating and evaluating public relations programs.
  • Creative skills to achieve administrative excellence in public relations.
  • The protocol (definition, origin, and importance).
  • The difference between etiquette and protocol.
  • Types of communication and art of speech according to the rules of protocol and etiquette.
  • The concept of ceremonies, their history, and their internal and international nature.
  • The role of public relations in the development of modern institutions.
  • Personal styles and how to deal with each style.
  • The art of effective and successful negotiation.
  • Problems facing the Public Relations Department.
  • Characteristics and attributes of public relations staff.
  • The art of dealing with people.
  • Methods of receiving and bidding farewell to VIPs.
  • The art of escorting and talking to guests.
  • Arrangements for appointments and public interviews.
  • The art of managing meetings.
  • Organizing conferences and seminars from announcement to registration to implementation to conclusion.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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