The occurrence of crises and disasters is as old as history, there is no administrative, security, social, economic or other entity, no matter how small its size and its small parts and elements are far from disasters. And in our thinking and in our management, in order to influence its course and avoid its risks and even benefit from its positives, and the reality assures us that many leaders and decision-makers depend on the management method day by day, as they are immersed and preoccupied with the daily routine of daily life and their own concerns, and with a lack of knowledge, science and skill in how to manage Crises and disasters and the control of random and improvisation, and the emotions of a partial moment in place and time, and this makes crises deeper, more complex and more destructive.
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How attendees will benefit?
After completion of the course, delegates will be able to:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city