Recent administrative studies and research indicate that work stress is now considered the number one killer in the field of work and is the number one waste of time in organizations. It has been shown that a total of three-quarters of a million Americans attempt suicide annually due to work pressure, and the cost of work stress amounts to about 200 billion US dollars. Annually in the form of deaths, daily absences, insurance claims, or re-employment and training of similar skills. The rate of job suicide in Japan has reached one in five employees (20%). Hence the necessity of working to reduce the effects of work stress, and from here work stress management and priority management were developed because of their importance in increasing institutional effectiveness and increasing profitability. This training course sheds light on the topic of stress management and the importance of setting priorities to hone trainees’ skills in a way that ensures effective institutional dealing with stress and leads to increased institutional profitability.
Who Should Attend?
Knowledge and Benefits:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:
Introduction to Time Management and Work Pressure
Time Management Tools and Techniques
Time Control Techniques
Managing Work Pressure
Achieving Work-Life Balance
Applying Skills in the Workplace
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Training Course on Methods of Preserving Information in Government Units