
A training course in modern methods in sound engineering


The voice is a crucial element for the success of television and radio productions, including series, songs, and programs. It brings these works to life. Over recent decades, the art of sound engineering has rapidly evolved, making sound a fundamental component for achieving clear and pure audio. Sound engineering techniques can modify audio quality, hide imperfections, and highlight beauty. Additionally, sound engineering plays a significant role in television productions by adding sound effects, creating specific music for each program, and enhancing advertisements. In music and singing, sound engineering provides a variety of rhythms, from fast to slow to classical, contributing to the diversity of popular songs. In this regard, the British Academy for Training and Development offers a course titled "Sound Engineering" for anyone interested in learning sound engineering techniques, audio re-recording, filters, and globally used modern audio software.

Objectives and target group

Equipping participants with new skills and effectively activating their abilities through:

  • Introducing sound and its specifications, along with its unit of measurement.
  • Explaining the elements of sound and how to handle them.
  • Introducing analog and digital audio signals and how to work with them.
  • Familiarizing with various recording devices and their usage methods.
  • Introducing microphones, their types, and how to use them.
  • Familiarizing with recording studios, their setup methods, and standard ratios.

Target Audience:

  • Managers and owners of television channels.
  • Managers and owners of radio stations.
  • Managers of the sound engineering department in television production companies.
  • All personnel in the sound engineering department.
  • All personnel involved in audio re-recording.
  • All personnel involved in sound purification and filtering in the studio.

Course Content

Introduction to Sound and Its Specifications, Speed, and Unit of Measurement:

  • The human ear, its structure, and how it captures sound vibrations.
  • Elements of sound and how to work with them, along with the characteristics of each.
  • Analog and digital audio signals, the difference between them, and the recording methods for each.
  • Different recording devices, both analog and digital.
  • Various media for recording.
  • Microphones, their types, characteristics, and stands.
  • Recording studios and methods for preparing them (control room or studio) and their standard ratios.
  • Speakers and their types (portable and stationary) and distribution methods.
  • Audio editing and mixing using non-linear recording devices on computers.
  • Mixing audio for films and television – the difference between them.
  • Isolation and mixing of different sounds (audio editing on non-linear editing devices).
  • Advanced global curricula in the art of sound engineering.
  • The latest software used in sound engineering.
  • Sound engineering work within television programs.
  • Skills for working with Pro Tools for audio editing.
  • Skills for recording audio in the studio (songs, music).
  • Skills for working with (audio filters, sound balancing, purification, and filtering).
  • Skills for adding sound effects during programs, video clips, or audio recordings.
  • Practical training.

Course Venues:

  • The courses will be held in the following countries: Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, Turkey, England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, in addition to Australia and the United States of America.
  • The courses are offered at times and locations suitable for your work and schedule.

Training Program Execution Patterns:

  • Group training at academy-affiliated centers.
  • Individual training.
  • Field and practical training based on advanced curricula.
  • Theoretical training in dedicated halls within the academy.

What Will Participants Receive from the Training Program?

  • Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certified certificate from the British Academy for Training and Development for attending the mentioned training program.


  • We can offer this course at a time and place that suits you.
  • This course is provided to high-level standards for important individuals. For more information, please contact the team at the British Academy for Training and Development.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£4200 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3360 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2604 / Member

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