The bourse is a market like any market where goods are sold and bought, it also consists of any market of materials and people who trade goods, and commodities on stock exchanges are mainly stocks or bonds and some other securities, which are less traded, the stocks is divided into two types according to the definition, the internal stock exchange and the foreign stock exchange, the internal stock exchange represents the sale of shares of public shareholding companies in the main form or companies listed on the stock exchanges of those countries, cities or geographical areas specified.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course of advanced skills and techniques in the technical, economic and statistical analysis of international exchanges for those who wish to acquire great skills in working in capital markets, gain experience in managing banks and stocks, and managing financial markets using electronic tables.
Target group of attending a course of advanced skills and techniques in the technical, economic and statistical analysis of the international exchanges:
How will participants benefit from attending a course of advanced skills and techniques in the technical, economic and statistical analysis of global exchanges?
At the end of the course, the participants will know:
Academic content of the course:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Lending Principles and Procedures