
The course of economic and technical analysis of international currency markets (advanced level )


Forex trading is an economic process aimed at achieving material profit, through which the two processes of buying and selling currencies of the US dollar or the euro, and other currencies, and this type of trading gives a profit much larger than anything else and larger than the stock exchanges As such, the prices of currencies are very variable and very large, and these changes in the large values ​​of currencies and prices help those who do this type of business

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers the course of economic and technical analysis of the international currency markets (advanced level) for those who wish to acquire great skills in working in financial markets, gaining experience in managing banks and banks, and managing financial markets using electronic tables

Target group of attending the course of economic and technical analysis of international currency markets (advanced level):

 Managers of institutions and companies.

Businessmen who are willito develop their skills in managing banks.

Students and graduates of business schools in different universities.

Managers of banks and employees of stock exchanges.

Accountants and their assistants in banks and money markets.

Anyone who wants to develop his expertise to work in the field of economic analysis of stock exchanges.

How will participants benefit from attending the course of economic and technical analysis of international currency markets (advanced level)?

 At the end of the course, the participants will know:

  • Contribute to the development of outsourcing strategies and to update them regularly with international investment companies .
  • Work on the design and implementation of investment incentives attractive to investors in accordance with the laws .
  • To provide support to companies and develop the capabilities of the staff working in these companies .
  • Gain significant skills in the technical and economic analysis of the stock markets .

Course Content

  • Introduction to Investment .
  • Business Development in Investment Operations .
  • The origins of the word stock exchange .
  • The role of the stock market in the eyes of economists .
  • Cons of financial markets .
  • The concept of money markets .
  • The latest electronic applications in stock exchanges .
  • The concept of economic and technical analysis .
  • Strategies of Economic Analysis in Stock Exchanges .

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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