
Using Electronic Tables course in analysing fiscal securities bourses (Statistical reports)


Fiscal securities market is the market but is different from others .It doesn’t interested in offering goods and It doesn’t have any one at all. The commodities which are  dealt is not real but are fiscal securities or fiscal assets .They are usually about stocks and bonds .Bourse is the market which has legal and technical rules ,work on how to manage its run and how to choose specific fiscal securities , timing behave them.

Objectives and target group

Aims and Target group

British Academy for Training and Improving presents using Electronic Tables course in analysing fiscal securities bourses (statistical reports)for who wants to gain a great skills in money markets and an experience of the banks and outlets administration and money markets administration by using Electronic Tables.

Target group:

Mangers of institutions and companies

Businessmen who have desires to gain skills in banks administration

Students and graduates of business administration in all universities

Banks mangers and employees in Islamic banks

Encounters and their assistants in Islamic outlets and banks

Who have desire to improve his experience in money markets

Course Content

How do the participants benefit from the course ?

By finishing the course, the participants have known

*Contribution in setting strategies of sourcing and working its periodic update  with international investment companies.

*Working on designing and carrying out attractive invested motivations for the investors , regarding the laws.

*Working on providing the support for the companies and Improving the employees' abilities in these companies.

*Communication and coordination specified administrations inside the bodies and authorities of the government for development of programs and mechanism ,and the initiatives of foreign investment developments

*gaining an experience in the field of setting studies about competitor countries in investment field.

Scientific content

*The introduction of investment

*The development of business in investment processes

*Review about term “BOURSE”

*Bourse ‘s role for economists   

*Definition and disadvantages of money market

*the updates of electronic application in fiscal securities bourses   

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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