Counterfeiting is the imitation of the original thing in order to deceive people offering counterfeit goods, for the process of rapid gain without any trouble. A fake or counterfeiting word is linked to many things in life like money, jewels, watches. Money counterfeiting is so difficult , because the paper money has so complexities in the kind of paper or the difficult legend of paper money or sequent numbers on the paper money ,every currency has a sequent number, which is result from mathematical & complex operation.
The B.A for Training & Development adduces a training course in applications for detecting bond fraud & currency counterfeiting, for everyone wants to gain skills of money market and experiences of administration banks.
Target category:
*Managers of institutions & companies.
* Businessman who want to improve their banking administration skills.
*Students & graduates of business administration colleges.
*Banks managers & employees .
*Accountants & their assistants in banks.
*Every one wants to develop his work experiences in the field of money markets.
How the participants benefit from this course:
At the end of the course they will learn:
* The ability of management of enrollment bonds preparation, check the authenticity of that bonds & working on adoption them.
*Recording in accounting books.
* Acquiring control experiences and supervision on all the bounds, which are issued by the accounting office.
*Pursuance all executions are linked to financial affairs of high administrations.
Scientific content of the course:
*The accounting principles.
* accounting basic conventions.
*recording financial operations.
*Dual Enrollment Theory.
*The concept of hostile budget.
* Important accounting rules.
*The ways of printing currencies.
*Basics of detecting bond fraud.
* Strategies of metal and paper currencies counterfeiting.
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Lending Principles and Procedures