Portfolio investment is attempting to get benefit from price increases in a series of shares of different companies instead of just trading in one company only, as by owning shares in a group of companies, such companies will have more control on risks related to invested capitals, the idea behind that is that if the price of one of the shares that you are investing in has fallen, there will be compensation for the loss through increase of the prices of the other shares in your portfolio. Development of a portfolio is a personal matter to a great extent and requires some personal scrutiny also, how to form your portfolio, this depends on everything of your own, starting from your current income, your attitude towards risk avoidance, your age and why and when you need money.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course of risk management and evaluation controls of portfolio for everyone interested in acquiring considerable skills in working in money market, and gaining experience in banks management.
Target audience of attending the course of risk management and evaluation controls of portfolio:
How will participants get benefit from the course of risk management and evaluation controls of portfolio:
By the end of the course program, participants will already have identified:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Lending Principles and Procedures