A bank or bank is a financial institution whose primary objective is to save money and operate it. In addition to facilitating all financial transactions for customers, the bank or bank is the perfect place to save money. In addition, it is the place where loans can be withdrawn. , Or the loan may be provided in return for a commitment from the guarantor to guarantee the loan or to repay the loan when the debtor defaults.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers the course of banking mechanisms and its effectiveness in financing economic activity, to those who wish to acquire great skills in working in financial markets and gain experience in the management of banks and banks
The target group of attending the course of the mechanisms of banking work and its effectiveness in financing economic activity:
Managers of institutions and companies.
Businessmen who are willito develop their skills in managing banks.
Students and graduates of business schools in different universities.
Managers of banks and departmental staff of banks and banks.
Accountants and their assistants in banks and banks.
Anyone willing to develop their expertise in the field of financial markets.
How will participants benefit from attending the course of banking mechanisms and their effectiveness in financing economic activity?
At the end of the course, the participants will know:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Lending Principles and Procedures