
Course of The Fundamentals of Islamic Banking Operations


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a specialized course on The Fundamentals of Islamic Banking Operations. This course aims to provide participants with the essential knowledge about the principles and mechanisms governing banking operations in the Islamic financial system. The course offers a comprehensive explanation of the basic Islamic banking tools, such as Islamic finance and the fundamentals of Sharia-compliant transactions, as well as how to effectively apply these tools within financial institutions. Participants will become familiar with the key concepts behind Islamic banking operations, such as "Riba" (interest), "Risk," and "Justice," and how to apply these principles in the banking sector. The course also provides an in-depth understanding of how to conduct Sharia-compliant banking transactions, enhancing their ability to work in Islamic banking environments efficiently and professionally.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Employees of Islamic banks who wish to enhance their knowledge of Islamic banking operations.
  • Professionals in the financial and banking sector aspiring to work in Islamic banking environments.
  • University students specializing in economics, finance, and banking.
  • Legal and financial consultants interested in understanding the Islamic banking aspects.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Understand the fundamentals and tools of Islamic banking.
  • Gain knowledge of the core principles governing Islamic banking operations.
  • Acquire practical knowledge of how to execute Sharia-compliant banking transactions.
  • Receive a detailed explanation of Islamic banking tools such as Murabaha, Ijara, and Mudarabah.
  • Enhance their understanding of the importance of Sharia supervision in ensuring the compliance of Islamic banking operations with Sharia law.


Course Content

  • Introduction to Islamic Banking

    • What is Islamic Banking?
    • The difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking.
    • The importance of Islamic banking in the modern economy.
  • Fundamental Principles of Islamic Banking

    • The concept of "Riba" and how it is avoided in Islamic banking.
    • The concept of "Risk" and balancing risk and return in banking operations.
    • The principle of "Justice" and its applications in Islamic financial transactions.
  • The Role of Sharia in the Banking Sector

    • The role of Sharia in determining acceptable financial transactions.
    • The difference between Islamic jurisprudence and other financial systems.
    • Sharia applications in Islamic banks.
  • Islamic Finance: Concept and Tools

    • Definition of Islamic finance and how it differs from conventional finance.
    • Islamic finance tools: Murabaha, Ijara, Mudarabah.
    • How these tools are structured to ensure Sharia compliance.
  • Mudarabah and Musharakah in Islamic Banks

    • The concept of "Mudarabah" and its use in banking operations.
    • The concept of "Musharakah" and how it is applied in banking transactions.
    • The difference between Mudarabah and Musharakah in terms of rights and obligations.
  • Islamic Financial Markets

    • The concept of Islamic financial markets and their tools.
    • The role of Sukuk (Islamic bonds) in financial markets.
    • How to evaluate investment in Sharia-compliant financial instruments.
  • Murabaha: Definition and Implementation

    • How Murabaha transactions are executed.
    • The difference between Murabaha and conventional sales.
    • Issues to consider for ensuring Sharia compliance in Murabaha transactions.
  • Ijara: Definition and Application

    • The concept of Ijara and its use in real estate financing.
    • How Ijara contracts are structured according to Sharia.
    • Legal challenges in applying Ijara.
  • Musharakah and Mudarabah in Banking Transactions

    • How Musharakah is applied in Islamic banks.
    • Principles governing Mudarabah in Islamic banks.
    • Profit and loss sharing in Islamic banking transactions.
  • Role of Sharia Supervisory Board

    • The concept of a Sharia Supervisory Board and its importance in Islamic banks.
    • How the board reviews banking products to ensure compliance with Sharia.
    • The relationship between Islamic banks and Sharia bodies.
  • Risk Management in Islamic Banks

    • Types of risks faced by Islamic banks and how they are managed.
    • The role of Sharia in mitigating financial risks.
    • Tools used by Islamic banks to reduce risks.
  • Government Regulations and Supervision of Islamic Banks

    • The regulatory role of governments in overseeing Islamic banks.
    • A comparison between conventional banking and Islamic banking regarding supervision.
    • Legal challenges in overseeing Islamic banking operations.
  • Challenges of Islamic Banking in the Global Market

    • Challenges faced by Islamic banks in global markets.
    • Economic and political impacts on Islamic banking.
    • How Islamic banking integrates with the international financial system.
  • The Future and Trends of Islamic Banking

    • Current trends in Islamic banking.
    • Innovations in Islamic banking products and services.
    • The technological impact on the future of Islamic banking.
  • Expansion and Growth of Islamic Banking

    • How Islamic banks can expand into new markets.
    • Challenges of geographic expansion for Islamic banks.
    • Success strategies for regional and international expansion.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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