The British Academy for Training and Development offers a specialized course on The Fundamentals of Islamic Banking Operations. This course aims to provide participants with the essential knowledge about the principles and mechanisms governing banking operations in the Islamic financial system. The course offers a comprehensive explanation of the basic Islamic banking tools, such as Islamic finance and the fundamentals of Sharia-compliant transactions, as well as how to effectively apply these tools within financial institutions. Participants will become familiar with the key concepts behind Islamic banking operations, such as "Riba" (interest), "Risk," and "Justice," and how to apply these principles in the banking sector. The course also provides an in-depth understanding of how to conduct Sharia-compliant banking transactions, enhancing their ability to work in Islamic banking environments efficiently and professionally.
Who Should Attend?
Knowledge and Benefits:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:
Introduction to Islamic Banking
Fundamental Principles of Islamic Banking
The Role of Sharia in the Banking Sector
Islamic Finance: Concept and Tools
Mudarabah and Musharakah in Islamic Banks
Islamic Financial Markets
Murabaha: Definition and Implementation
Ijara: Definition and Application
Musharakah and Mudarabah in Banking Transactions
Role of Sharia Supervisory Board
Risk Management in Islamic Banks
Government Regulations and Supervision of Islamic Banks
Challenges of Islamic Banking in the Global Market
The Future and Trends of Islamic Banking
Expansion and Growth of Islamic Banking
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Lending Principles and Procedures