

Primary health care is part of the full care of health service centers, and is fully concerned with prevention of disease, it has global goals that are broadened year by year by focusing on basic health care that has a direct impact on the lives and health of citizens and their families, it is a contemporary management style, not a new management theory or a modern program. It should not be a coincidence. It should be planned. It is only a confirmed manifestation of health care. It is adopted by sincere efforts and intelligent management and relies on individuals with skills and expertise in improving health services. The primary health care management cycle is important in educating and guiding people in a healthy way, in addition to providing maternal and child services, vaccines, medicines and treatment of infectious and common diseases. Primary health care reflect the urgent need for all governments, health workers, in order to protect and promote the health of all people in the world; because health means the physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease, and its a native human right must be sponsored by the social and economic sectors in partnership with the health sector.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a primary health care management course to anyone who wants to improve their talents, ideas and scientific skills in this field.

Who should attend?

 All health care and primary health care personnel are doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

Primary health care managers.

Who go to work in health care, public health and community health centers.

How attendees will benefit?

 Upon completion of the course, the participants will be acquainted with:

  • The importance of attention to the level of mental health and attention to the development of innovative capabilities and attention to achieve professional ambition in the management of good health care.
  • Management of medical institution quality and health of subsystems and their main system.
  • How to provide medical service and quality primary health care to the patient at the lowest possible costs with comprehensive coverage of all possible care for all patients
  • The importance of primary health care in being an actual need for all health institutions and organizations, hospitals of all kinds and at all levels and types of health centers.
  • The importance of primary health care in the need for continuity of life and industry survival and continued re-engineering of management in all health institutions and organizations and hospitals.

Course Content


Course Content:

Objectives in the primary health care management cycle.

Principles and basics in the primary health care management cycle.

Process Steps in the Primary Health Care Management Cycle.

Mechanisms and procedures in the primary health care management cycle.

Constraints and obstacles in the Primary Health Care Management Course.

Evaluation and development in the primary health care management cycle

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
