
Modern Financial Accounts & Evaluation of Financial Damages


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course on modern financial accounting, interpreting financial performances, and assessing damages for accountants. This course enables them to manage financial accounts effectively and familiarize themselves with appropriate material methods. Additionally, it presents the key principles of accounting for the benefit of those who are not specialized in accounting but deal with numbers in their work and need to gain some experience and organizational skills in accounting.

Objectives and target group

Purpose of the course:

  • Provide shareholders with the key principles of organizing material information in accordance with increasing damages.
  • Teaching participants in the course methods of preparing the necessary reports and contributing in the administrative decisions.
  • Develop special standards for these reports.
  • How reports can be used.
  • Identify advanced tools to predict future financial performances and successes and failures of countries.
  • Identification of the practical damages caused by the mathematical treatments.
  • This course also provides the required set of data for using the planning budget.
  • Teaching control methods, control of real problems and practical application.
  • Introducing trainees to the basic terms of accounting and information flow of accounting through good systems and in accordance with international standards.
  • Provide the trainee with the methods of registering and migrating accounting entries.
  • Acquire the skills to implement the performance of the financial time.
  • Acquire the skills to close and create accounts for the end and create budgets in accordance with the international standards.
  • Understand financial information and the importance and usefulness of each financial statement.

Target audience of this course:

  • Account managers in institutions and establishments at different levels and degrees.
  • Certified accountants.
  • Employees of Financial Supervisory Authority.
  • Any person who wishes to develop his financial and accounting skills in order to be able to analyze the financial situation of any originator, whether he owned, manager or worked in it.

Course Content

Chapter One:

  • Updating accounting data between countries.
  • Development of accounting theory.
  • Updating the accounting data and cancelling its standards.
  • Establishing financial reports and issuing their standards.
  • Introduction to Financial Accounting.
  • Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.
  • Activities at the end of the accounting period.
  • Financial Statements: Introduction.
  • Balance sheet elements.
  • Elements of the income statement.
  • Elements of the Financial Flows List.
  • Special topics in accounting.
  • Additional information on the financial statements.
  • Annual Reports.
  • Internal control over financial reporting.
  • The overall issue and conclusion of the training workshop.

Chapter Two:

  • Based on international standards, statements are displayed.
  • Presentation of financial position statements and statements of income.
  • Statement of cash flows.
  • Supplementary

Chapter Three:

  • Advanced techniques in explaining financial performance.
  • Both horizontal and vertical analysis of financial information.
  • Identify financial indicators.

Chapter Four:

  • Explanation of the financial statement.
  • Financial position analysis.
  • Analysis of comprehensive income statements.
  • Strategic analysis of the cash flow statement.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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