
Planning Business Maintenance and Operations


Maintenance planning is essential to the success of operations. If the goal is to have a world-class organization, the maintenance strategy has a critical role to play in this task based on business objectives. This strategy cannot be viewed as separate from other functions, but rather as an integral part of A complete approach to high-performance work. Maintenance is a major contributor to business profitability, through its impact on equipment capacity, product quality, safety, health and environment, and production cost. The maintenance strategy must represent the best available techniques, procedures, and practices relevant to the organization's business objectives, and the strategy must define the processes and procedures required to achieve the highest possible degree of maintenance management and effectiveness, while minimizing the total life cycle costs of new assets and the current operating costs of existing assets. This course provides an integrated presentation of the technical, administrative and economic aspects of maintenance and repair work in all stages of the project with the aim of improving maintenance efficiency and improving its economics while identifying different strategies for scientific maintenance and the economic effects of the feasibility of applying the systems approach to increase operating efficiency and control costs. It also aims to achieve the highest quality of the product, eliminate manufacturing and maintenance defects, maintain an excellent condition for the equipment, and prevent errors.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Those employed in planning, designing, constructing, or operating operations.
  • Engineers, technicians, contractors, and consultants.
  • Those responsible for electrical maintenance in facility distribution networks.
  • Workers in industrial networks.
  • Inspectors, safety officers and supervisors.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of the technical, administrative and economic aspects of maintenance and repair work in the various stages of the project in order to advance the quality of maintenance.
  • Implementing systems to improve and increase the efficiency and quality of operation and control expenses and costs.
  • Statement of maintenance problems and draft solutions.
  • Maintenance knowledge as a motivating element in technology selection.
  • Organizing maintenance work and improving operation quality.

Course Content

  • The scientific meaning of integrated productive maintenance of projects and facilities
  • Scientific principles for improving the quality of operation of equipment and machines (continuous maintenance improvement)
  • Maintenance as a motivating element in technology selection
  • The importance and policy of maintenance matters
  • Organizing maintenance work and improving operation quality
  • Statement of maintenance problems and draft solutions
  • Problems of completion and updating of projects and ways to eliminate them
  • Means of anticipating and identifying faults
  • Economic results for applying systems to develop maintenance work
  • Planning programs and control procedures for maintenance and repair using business networks (PERT).
  • How to make a comprehensive system for maintenance and repair costs
  • Explaining the economics of preserving spare parts and raw materials
  • The technical and economic importance of establishing maintenance and repair workshops in the project
  • What is integrated productive maintenance?
  • What are the main characteristics that distinguish an integrated productive maintenance application?
  • What are the penalties for implementing integrated productive maintenance?
  • Why implement integrated productive maintenance?
  • How much does integrated productive maintenance cost?
  • When is integrated productive maintenance applied?
  • How to implement integrated productive maintenance?
  • What does self-maintenance mean?
  • How to get rid of and eliminate benefits?
  • Self-maintenance
  • Benefits of self-maintenance
  • Self-maintenance application
  • What are the operator's duties?
  • Integration of productive maintenance with the rest of the pillars of integrated productive maintenance
  • Difficulties in implementing self-maintenance

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
