
Preparation of Institutional Excellence Methodologies


TQM is a revolutionary approach that has brought about many changes in management ethics. As a result of the needs of organizations to adopt such a philosophy, TQM has become the way that management can achieve great efficiency, flexibility and competitiveness in overall performance. Ways to Eliminate Vulnerability and Corruption By working to include each individual in improving work methods and implementing things, performance management can be defined as the inherent practice of managing the organization and working to achieve results that are all based on a set of many core concepts T is the orientation results orientation Palmeil leadership and the stability of the objectives and management through processes and facts and the development of individuals continuing education, innovation, improvement and development of brand, learn the principles of quality management as orientation customer and leadership and include individuals and the methodology of the process and the approach of the management system and continuous improvement.

Career development has gained great importance in all organizations of state institutions, and has been dependent on important tasks such as  organizational administrative  and organizational structures and to study the procedures and work to simplify these procedures through the distribution of manpower and training and create the appropriate office environment for their work and provide the appropriate atmosphere that enables staff to live in the highest levels of functionality in terms of quantity and quality, Career development seeks to raise the level of management awareness among employees and spot the  light on various aspects of development which focuses on the work environment and facilitates the performance of service and performance improvement by suggesting the best ways and explained the ways by  using latest technologies that help to achieve all the general objectives.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Managers and owners of government and private companies.
  • Managers of large enterprises.
  • Owners of industrial, commercial, tourism and service establishments.
  • All personnel in the field of management and implementation.
  • All who wish to build promising companies with a bright future.
  • All looking for ways and means to improve the overall climate within the company.


After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Secrets of success in work and improving the communication mode between the manager and employees.
  • Leadership skills and employee management within the company.
  • Skills of dealing with the psychological problems of workers and stand on their situation.
  • Ways to activate the motivation and activation of employees within the company
  • Confidence building skills between the manager and all employees

Course Content

  • The close relationship between the strategy and excellence models.
  • Development of strategy in enterprises.
  • Advanced strategic planning.
  • Quality management and strategic planning.
  • Establishment of organizational excellence methodologies.
  • Advantage strategies to management excellence in enterprises and enterprises.
  • Design effective planning system.
  • The concept and nature of career development.
  • Objectives of administrative and career development.
  • Organizational website for administrative development.
  • Tasks and duties of administrative development.
  • Meaning and vision of career development.
  • Personnel specialist skills.
  • Career development and its importance in developing the work of institutions and companies.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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