The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course (Comprehensive Skills for Junior Broadcasters) as an introductory course in TV presentation for all professionals and fresh graduates wishing to join the comprehensive course of theoretical and applied programs and workshops in the field of TV presentation.
Newscaster is the person who reads the news scripts, in the final stage of the news casting process. News casting is a periodical article that covers specific events and stories allowing their audience to receive news and information related to the specific event in informative method, either in the local, regional, or international context. It is better for the newscaster to participate in in the pre-news casting stages, by editing or participating in the preparation process of news, this concept is known in the news agencies as the Editor- Newscaster, as the newscaster holds a great responsibility, since his task is not only a regular job to be done, but it depends basically on the passion for learning and the psychological readiness and openness for new perspectives and information. There is also a variety of elements behind the audience relationship with the newscaster, most important of which is the person who reads the news scripts, many of newscasters have the perfect ability to eye contact with the audience, but many newscasters read news scripts without looking at the camera, which results to boredom of the audience. The problem was solved long time ago by using the Teleprompter, which is very useful in maintaining eye communication between the newscaster and the home audience, where newscaster reads the script and looks at the camera at the same time.
TV presentation, standing ON AIR in front of Cameras, and speaking fluently and confidently while presenting TV shows, all of such skills require a lot of continuous training, TV and News Caster is the person who reads the news and other TV scripts, in the final stage of the news casting process. It is better for the newscaster to participate in in the pre-news casting stages, by editing or participating in the preparation process of news, this concept is known in the news agencies as the Editor- Newscaster, as the newscaster holds a great responsibility, since his task is not only a regular job to be done, but it depends basically on the passion for learning and the psychological readiness and openness for new perspectives and information.
The British Academy for Training and Development present this course (Introduction to TV Broadcasting "Junior Broadcaster") for the following audience:
How will trainees benefit from the Course?
After completing the program, trainees will be able to master the following topics:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
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