The British Academy for Training and Development presents the British approach Development Course for Executive Secretarial and Office Managers. The course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the British approaches in the fields of management, raising performances, and the increasing of qualifications. In the management field, there is something new every day.
The British approach to the development of the office managers and executive secretarial skills is a good reference to all that’s new and important in the field of Business Administration.
The main purpose of the course is to prepare exceptional managerial candidates that are able to lead the biggest offices for public figures and authorities. This is in addition to learning some of the most important executive secretarial skills.
Who should attend?
Managers and owners of big companies
Managers and owners of commercial companies
Office managers of the top departments
Office managers of a company's authorities
All employees in the field of secretary and business administration
After completion of the program, delegates will be able to:
Understanding the British approach to Business Administration and Executive Secretarial
The behaviors and how to act in the Business Administration field according to the British approach.
Organization and time management according to the British Approach
Understanding all that is new in the fields of secretary and business administration.
Executive secretary from the British approach point of view
The British approach to Business Administration
The British approach to Business Administration and Executive Secretarial
The new trends in Business Administration (According to the British Approach)
The International Business Administration approaches
Qualifying managers and secretaries to work in big organizations through gaining valuable managerial skills
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Developing Trainees' Skills to Prepare and Present Reports Efficiently and Effectively