In transactions you have to give something in order to get something, how much you get depends on how much it produced over time, and this raises both accumulated information and living standards, we call this production growth, those who invent and work hard raise their productivity and living standard more radically, but this is not true in the short term, the productivity increase is important in the long run, but borrowing is more important in the short term, and this is because the productivity increase does not fluctuate very much, they are not driven by large economic volatility, because when the borrower receives the loan it is capable of increase the size of spending, and the spending is able to bush the economy.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course of productivity increase and its relationship to borrowing for anyone who wishes to develop their skills and abilities in this deep field, the course will be a simple overview of the concept of borrowing and how to make it productive.
The target group of attending a course in the concept of productivity increase and its relation to borrowing:
How will participants benefit from attending a course of training on the concept of productivity increase and its relationship to borrowing:
At the end of the course, the participants will know the following points:
Academic content of the course:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
Course in Lending Principles and Procedures