
Modern Technologies for Logistics, Supply Chains & Supply


The logistics management, organizational and functional structures in the supply chain can be found in almost any institutional system, and regardless of your business or type of organization, the concepts and methods of this course will help you become more visible logistics, Procurement, including keeping up with the expectations of orders, how to determine the best quantity to buy, how to plan capacity, production, and much more, so that all the modern technologies used in logistics processes including information systems.

This course is provided for anyone who wants to acquire significant skills in warehouse and warehouse management, to learn the secrets of logistics in institutions and companies, and to develop the reality of logistics work in enterprises. Supply Chains are networks of independent or semi-autonomous business entities that are jointly responsible for the needs insurance, manufacturing and distribution activities of one or more interrelated products, and can also be defined as a sequence of Delivery of a commodity or service, and start main raw materials and ends with the final customer.

Logistics Practices and Policies have evolved into one of the most exciting professional sectors that appeal to business, craft and even academic professionals. According to the Logistics Performance Index 2014, the logistics and supply chain management training system is one of the most important tasks for the sector's employees. The global economy. Here, it should be noted that the leading positions in the middle or higher management sector have already required that the specialized individual have a high degree of expertise to enable him to direct the highly problematic supply chains of the supplier Raw materials to end consumers, it is worth mentioning that any organization whether governmental or private is not without several sections and departments operate logistics.

Objectives and target group

This Course is provided for the following Target Audience:

  • Directors and owners of large commercial and industrial companies.
  • General Managers in public and private companies.
  • Directors of internal audit offices in companies.
  • Managers of the audit and audit department in companies.
  • All employees in the field of financial control in companies.
  • All students seeking contemporary approaches in financial auditing and how to detect risks.

How participants will benefit from attending a riskـbased audit course:

At the end of the course, the participants will know:

  • Methods of modern and contemporary financial auditing and its role in building the mechanism of work and directing management.
  • Risks and problems that may be discovered by company managers through the company’s auditors and financial auditors.
  • The great role of financial auditing and the role of internal audit offices in avoiding the company’s financial problems.
  • Disclosing the problems and mistakes of the company’s financial accountants and reviewing the financial reports.

Course Content

  • The concept and definition of logistics services.
  • Storage supply chain and its importance to companies.
  • SOR model to analyze supply chainSustainability in supply chains.
  • Supply Chain Management.
  • Risk and its importance in the business system of companies.
  • The importance of the logistics function in enterprises and institutions.
  • The reasons for the emergence of logistics function in enterprises.
  • The importance and objectives of the logistics.
  • The definition of desktop logistics.
  • Management of logistics services and their relation to the development of the work of companies.
  • Methods of risk assessment.
  • Precautions to be taken for avoiding risks.
  • Relationship between risks and the institution policies and procedures.
  • Reasons for assessing risks and taking the necessary precautions.
  • Methods of certification of risk assessment and necessary precautions.
  • Methods of dealing with some risks resulting from corruption.
  • The proper time to take the necessary precautions.
  • Risk assessment categories.
  • Risk assessment field work.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
