

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course on 4d graphic basics. It is presented to whoever desires to develop his skills and potentials to improve graphic design concept and to apply the all-new innovation to his professional CV.

It is known that graphic design tools are numerous and determined according to the nature of the work needed to be done. They have become an assistant. They help in designing and stimulating reality through using modern computer programs. They can be used in 3D  drawings, and this technique has developed to include 4D design principles, which has become the latest in Information Modeling that includes all fields; for example, movie theatres, games, physical projects as well as cartoons and animations. It is worth mentioning that this technique will be the most prominent in the next decade, to be clearly seen on TV screens, printers.

Web design is a process specialized in multimedia content planning and implementation via web network, and through technologies types such as description files appropriate for presentation on Internet browsers or other online user interfaces. In essence, the process of designing websites is about creating a website that displays contents for users when needed. It includes texts, mail samples, and bitmaps. This is arranged via programming languages such as, HTML and CSS. It is very important to have a well designed website. A website with a good content, but with a bad design would be worthless for the user. It is the same as having a well-designed website without a good content. It is necessary to have the two elements together; good design accompanied with good content, in order for the website to be successful. Browsing should be easy and clear for users, and it should not require any effort to reach the required page.

Information Security (IS) is the system used to secure the data transmitted via networks. In the technological development age and the prevailing different means of information storage and exchange; i.e. information transmission on networks and from website to another, it has become important to consider and observe information and data security. Information security is the science applied to provide great and adequate protection of information against any risks which may threaten or damage it through the tools and means required to protect information against internal or external risks. All standards and procedures taken to prevent having access to information by persons who are not allowed to access them through communications are used to ensure the authenticity and correctness of these communications. All techniques used in the world cannot be executed without Information Security (IS).

Objectives and target group

Target Category:

  • Graphic designers in all companies, physical institutions, and movie theatres.
  • Directors and owners of Commercial and economic organizations.
  • Advertising and promotion departments' directors.
  • Employees in technical departments.
  • Graphic and web designers.
  • Computer departments' directors in organizations and companies.
  • Information centers developers in companies.
  • Information technology developers in companies
  • Information systems. departments' directors in companies.
  • All employees in the field of software systems.
  • Students of computer science and information technology faculties and institutes.
  • All those interested in the field of Information Systems and modern technology.

How will participants benefit from this course:

After attending the course, participants will acquire:

  • Programs able to design 4d graphics and the differences between them.
  • Major differences between 3d and 4d designs.
  • Benefits and capacities of 4d designs.
  • Gain enough experience in designing websites.
  • Work skillfully using HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Design websites targeted by users.

Course Content

  • Introduction to graphic design basics.
  • Necessary tools for 4d graphic design.
  • Main programs in 4d graphic design.
  • Modeling principles.
  • Integration and stimulation.
  • Websites direction before programming.
  • Special effects.
  • Conditions required in order to have a successful graphic design.
  • Importance of designing websites in attracting visitors.
  • Using HTML5 and CSS3 in web design.
  • Importance of designing websites appropriately in order to increase the number of its users.
  • SPSS statistical work.
  • Link the statistical information provided by SPSS with databases.
  • Scheduling information in an organized manner that makes it easy to refer to using SPSS statistical program.
  • SPSS relationship with institutional work and within IT centers.
  • Information Systems definition and importance.
  • Method of Information Systems engineering and assessment.
  • Management Strategies of confidential information security.
  • Keeping confidentiality and security of information.
  • Information Security Management (ISM); their definition & importance.
  • Method of access protection systems management.
  • Smart Cards and their importance regarding Information Security (IS).
  • The scientific and methodological definition of information systems.
  • Mastering the most famous ways and methods in managing information systems.
  • Deep study of the most advanced features of information systems to connect to successful companies.
  • The role of SPSS program within the information systems centers and structuring these data in an organized and practical manner.
  • Types of modern graphic.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£4200 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3360 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2604 / Member

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