
Financial Risk Control with Audit and Follow Up Strategies


The British Academy for Training & Development provides a Course entitled "Financial Risk Control with Audit and Follow Up Strategies". This Course provides institutions with the guidelines that could be followed as reasonable and proper standards to assess risks. In addition, this Course includes a section for the general guidelines besides including four other sections related to each other. Such sections provide the participants with additional guidelines related to various categories of risk assessment.

Risk management is a process of risk Identification, Measurement, & Assessment, beside the development of strategies for management and reduction of prospective damages. These strategies include risk transfer, prevention, minimization of adverse impacts, and finally the absorption methods of some or all of the obligatory consequences. It can also be defined as Management Activities aimed at controlling risk and exerting maximum efforts and potential to reduce any risks to the acceptable levels.

  • Enable all participants to gain knowledge of the evolution of financial information systems in the current reality of increasing financial risk to business organizations.
  • Enable all participants to acquire a set of knowledge about the IFRS standards as well as the features of change that have applied to international and Arab business environments.

Objectives and target group

General objective of the training course:

As each course, we aim at beginning to expand your knowledge circle as well as aim to:

  • Identify the useful methods of financial reports through the critical vision of this, and that would help in judging the balance of the financial centers of the organizations as well as be able to support administrative decisions.
  • Participants receive a number of new tools for predicting future financial performance, reporting on financial failures or successes of organizations, and auditing the entrances to financial restructuring.
  • Inform participants of all forms of professional problems related to certain accounting treatments.
  • Enable participants to obtain a modern financial toolkit in the use of planning budgets and ways to avoid financial risks.
  • Participants' ability to deal with problems and obstacles to practice and practical application in financial risk management.
  • Full knowledge of Legal & Contractual Risks, and the major provisions and procedures in an integrated legal form.
  • Full knowledge of all legal branches in practical and scientific terms.
  • Acquire advanced experience in Legal Formulation of Contracts and Administrative Resolutions.
  • Full knowledge of Legal Formulation of Employment Contracts.
  • Understanding the    significant    role    of    proper    and    accurate determination of contract specifications, throughout the procurement cycle.
  • To assess the legal importance of contract specifications, besides the strategic significance of the "Invitation to tenders" process.

Course Content

The main objective of the training course:

Unit One:

The evolution of international accounting information systems:

  • Canceling IAS (International Accounting Standards) in 2011
  • Development of accounting information systems in line with the economic relationship of international standards.
  • Identification of the joint project for the development of accounting theory IASB & FASB 2005-2011
  • Appearance of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) 2010
  • Learn about the IFRS Foundation

Unit Two:

IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) 2010 and the presentation of financial statements in accordance with international standards

  • Presentation of financial statements in light of )IFRSDRAFT – 7 IAS – 1 IAS(
  • Presentation of Balance Sheet
  • Presentation of Comprehensive Income Statement
  • Presentation of Cash Flows Statement
  • Complement clarifications

Unit Three:

New techniques in financial performance report and analysis:

  • Vertical analysis & Horizontal for the financial data.
  • Measurement of Financial ratios.
  • Benchmarking

Unit Four:

Strategic Financial Analysis of Financial Statements:

  • Identify the strategic analysis of the financial position statement.
  • Identify strategic analysis of the comprehensive income statement.
  • Identify the strategic analysis of the cash flow statement.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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