
Management of Financial Investigations and the Seizure of Violations in All its Forms


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course on financial investigation management and the control of violations in all its forms. Financial auditing involves verifying the accuracy of financial data according to international accounting standards and ensuring its correctness and fairness. While auditing is related to accounting, it is an independent specialty. The auditor's role is to gather evidence to confirm the accuracy of the data or identify any errors. The goal of financial auditing is to provide tangible evidence to confirm the accuracy of financial data after examining it from all aspects, presenting a true and fair view of the reports. This enhances the value and credibility of the financial data issued by management, thereby reassuring stakeholders and reducing risks for investors. There are two main branches of financial auditing: internal auditing and external auditing.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Identify various aspects of fraud and financial corruption.
  • Exposure to various approaches, including fraud and the financial corruption.
  • To encourage participants to participate in the diagnosis of various aspects of financial fraud and the various predictions about them through discussing and discussing several practices in the same field.
  • To support the participants of the session with the highest quality publications issued by professional organizations, which include international auditing standards to identify all aspects of financial corruption and ways to combat them.
  • Introducing various practical examples that diagnose financial manipulation and develop and activate the scientific aspects of the participants.
  • Support participants in various mechanisms to control and detect financial fraud practices using the latest programs and modern tools.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Highlighting the identity of accounting tricks in line with applicable computer standards.
  • Identify ways of financial fraud in revenue.
  • Identify financial fraud methods in relation to expenses.
  • Addressing financial fraud in inventory and warehouse assessment.
  • Enable participants to identify financial fraud methods in the context of asset valuation.
  • Discuss methods of financial fraud in procurement.
  • Knowing the ways of financial fraud in subsequent events.
  • Various practical models.

Course Content

  • Discuss the definition of analytical testing.
  • Identify the initial procedures.
  • Inform the participants about the planning process of the analytical examination performance.
  • Identification of analytical testing tests.
  • Learn to examine important deviations.
  • How to document analytical examination procedures.
  • Identify the application of analytical examination procedures on cash operations.
  • Application of analytical examination procedures on inventory management methods and warehouses.
  • A variety of practical models and application programs.
  • To address the diverse uses of modern business methods.
  • The subject of audit and disclosure of financial fraud.
  • Discuss sales and collection management, personnel management, procurement and warehousing.
  • Enable participants from a variety of practical applications using the computer.
  • Comprehensive definition of internal control?
  • Internal control sections.
  • Describe the relationship between the various branches of internal control and clarify the methods of censorship.
  • Internal control structure inspection mechanisms.
  • The benefits of checking the audit of the internal control system.
  • Plans and mechanisms to examine the internal control structure?
  • The necessary pillars of the electronic internal control system.
  • Experimental models in building internal control systems for cash operations such as warehouses, fixed assets.
  • Ways of preventing financial fraud in the use of micro-computers;
  • Ways to prevent financial fraud under computer systems.
  • Ways of preventing financial fraud under database systems.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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