Storage is a system that is a major function in any organization or economic establishments of all types, be it industrial, agricultural or commercial. It is sufficient to know that many studies indicate that the large proportion of companies invest more than seventy percent of their capital In stock, which means that the need is in the interest in the stores in a large extent, whether the warehouses for raw materials or materials for the operation or complete goods or any other tools, and defines the concept of storage as the retention of things until needed or in other words an important process for Retain Assets for natural conditions in which a required change is made and to provide these assets as needed in the next specified stages, we should not lose sight of the role of the warehouse or warehouse site. It is of great importance to facilitate the process of flow of materials with the required speed and high accuracy. For several errors.
This session covers the main aspects of public procurement and focuses on contracts concluded by public authorities and governments for the purpose of purchasing goods. The course covers several topics such as best practices during the procurement process, implementation of the general procurement process, and selection of viable dispute resolution methods in public procurement contracts. A full understanding of the general purchase contracts and success of the purchase process will be achieved through a theoretical and practical study of the order through the course.
The British Academy for Training and Development presents this training course in (Purchasing & Storage Economics) to all legal professionals wishing to gain advanced experience in the legal rules and regulations governing tenders, auctions, and bidding procedures.
There is no doubt that the preliminary study of law, legal procedures, and contracting & bidding conditions, is substantial for modern students of law, since legal studies, are like other sciences, since they all have their own specific technical terms. With the progress of business nature & implications, and the vast development thereof, the emergence of official legal authorities, and the change occurred on the organizational concepts at the level of countries and institutions, in addition to the ongoing changes in the volume of business and the ongoing changes, there emerged the urgent need to have the regulation over the first business engine of any economy around the world, which is procurement and bidding process, in order to ensure that neither party –employer or contractor- is in breach of the agreed terms & conditions. Hence, a wide variety of legislations and laws have been put in place to regulate the business process in terms of contractual and bidding duties and rights, to keep interests of both parties. Contracting Agreements passes through various stages, including the pilot phase through which ensure abilities possessed by contractors, as well as to ensure integrity of the work environment, and the second stage is the stage of confirmation.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:
After completing the program, trainees will be able to master the following topics:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city
The modern tracks program for product purchases, tenders, and contracts