The British Academy for Training & Development provides this training Course entitled "The Development of Risk Management in Organizations". This Course provides institutions with the guidelines that could be followed as reasonable and proper standards to assess risks. In addition, this Course includes a section for the general guidelines besides including four other sections related to each other. Such sections provide the participants with additional guidelines related to various categories of risk assessment.
In view of the great significant role of Retirement Law and Social Insurance in modern societies, especially in the field of wellbeing and family health, all modern countries all over the world sought to achieve proper establishment of insurance systems for their citizens until comprehensive insurance programs became clear and well established, which is considered a key pillar of electoral propaganda of political parties in European countries and the United States as well, and soon in most of the developed world.
Retirement Law & Social insurance is therefore considered of the main tools of achieving wellbeing and social security of the society in modern states, and that's why Insurance Funds are considered recently as one of the major factors in global financial and economic markets.
The Development of Risk Management in Organizations is very important for every person working in this area and when managing the laboratory or laboratory in general. There are many basic requirements for laboratory protection. There is no doubt that the work involves many risks ranging from risk Surface, sharp and deep, between broken glass or electric shock or exposure to radiation or chemical What will stop the laboratory worker is unable to deal with these cases, so it is necessary to learn the right and proper preparation of laboratories and handling and responsibility of everyone working in the chemical laboratory, progress British Academy cycle protection measures of risk in chemical laboratories and laboratories so as to be collocates intensive course and help for all beginners in the field of laboratory work.
The British Academy for Training and Development provides the course of risk protection measures in laboratories; chemical laboratories and the disposal method to anyone have close or far away relationship to laboratories and chemical laboratories.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:
- The most significant risks to institutions:
Legal risks:
Risks that contracts are documented incorrectly, or to be legalized in a manner that is not legally consistent with enforceable laws in the relevant jurisdictions.
Liquidity risks:
The risk of loss resulting from changes in the Bank's ability to sell or dispose of the asset.
Operational risks:
The risk of direct or indirect losses resulting from inadequate internal processes, persons, systems or external events.
Price Risk:
Risk of loss resulting from adverse changes in market prices, including interest rates, Foreign exchange rates, Equity, and commodity prices and any other market price fluctuations.
Regulatory risks:
The risk of loss resulting from failure to comply with regulatory or legal requirements in the relevant jurisdictions where the Establishment operates.
Note / Price varies according to the selected city