
Principles of Protocol, Etiquette, and Code of Conduct


The British Academy for Training and Development present this training course in (Principles of Protocol, Etiquette, and Code of Conduct) from various perspectives of different cultures, customs and policies, this course offered by the Academy in accordance with the adopted modern international protocols for international relations.

Development and enhancement of the skills and abilities of employees working within the Public Relations field, is considered very important, since it constitutes a part of the globally applicable procedures, including contemporary applications of rules and regulations adopted by International Organizations, under Global Protocol Regulations, for communication between countries, establishments, and organization on the International level.

Through this course we are going to introduce the rules and practices of gentle behavior, the best practices for communication with others, good reception, since all such related matters represent a large portion of our personality.

Protocol is one of the most modern terms in terms of language but very old in terms of history as the word protocol is a development of the word of the conventions and understandings this is in the world of politics and at the international level, but within the field of business management has become the formulation of protocols is one of the important and necessary skills and very necessary for people who wish to They must take administrative duties. The people who perform such functions must have linguistic abilities, thought and management education. The protocols within the company have a specific form and model to be dealt with within large companies and taught in the largest academies and universities.


Objectives and target group

  • Businessmen, shareholders, and business owners.
  • Ladies working in business sector.
  • Diplomatic personnel.
  • Administrative staff in PR Sector.
  • Protocol officers in charge of management and organization of conferences.
  • Trainees with years of experience in communications or PR.
  • Employees assigned to deal and interact with important and concerned personalities and ensure that these interactions go as professionally as possible.
  • Employees working in the PR Sector.
  • Officials in Diplomatic Sector.

Course Objectives:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Unified and comprehensive concepts of Etiquette and International Protocol.
  • Concepts that determine priorities between individuals.
  • International Principles of Etiquette and Communication.
  • The Art of Protocol and Etiquette of body languages in official forums.
  • Understanding the universal principles of protocol, etiquette, professional code of conduct.
  • Directing and managing personal dynamics at important meetings.
  • Creating a good impression and avoid misconducts or embarrassing practices in important situations.
  • Viewing the etiquette of appropriate international business in many contexts.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • Respectfully interact with people from different cultures, countries and regions

Course Content

  • Principles of Protocol and Etiquette.
  • Appropriate professional and personal conduct.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • International and local differences of cultures and people perceptions.
  • Definition and concepts of Etiquette and Protocol in International Relations.
  • Types and Forms of International Protocol.
  • International and local differences of cultures and people perceptions.
  • Principles of Protocol and Etiquette.
  • Appropriate professional and personal conduct.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • The definition and the principles of the global protocols of the industrial safety.
  • HZID hazard assessment in the industrial plants.
  • Safety and security as per the approach of NEBOSH.
  • An overview about the standards of the global (OSHA) relating to the performance of the safety supervisors.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Administrative System (OHSAS).

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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